Five years after he left, Dmitri Khristich is returning to the Washington Capitals. Washington acquired the veteran winger in a trade with the Toronto Maple Leafs on Monday. The Leafs will receive Washington's third round pick in the 2001 Entry Draft in the deal.
Shoots : Right  
Height : 6'2" 
Weight : 205 
Birth Date : 7/23/69 
Place of Birth : KIEV, , UKR 
Currently Resides : Toronto, ON, CAN 
Year Drafted : 1988 
Round Drafted : 6 
Overall Choice: 120 
Number:  #8
Current Status: On the Roster (as of 12/17/00) 
Compensation: $3,250,000.00 (as of 10/4/00) 

Dimitri Khristich. (Washington *Capitals*)